Thursday, June 7, 2012

Lauer halka tarkari ( bottle gourd curry)

1 small size bottle gourd
1/2 tsp of black cumin seeds
3 or 4 green chilies
A pinch of turmeric powder
1 bay leaf
1 tbsp of mustard oil
1 tsp of sugar
Coriander leaves for garnishing

Wash & cut bottle gourd into small square pieces. Heat oil in a pan. Add bay leaf and black cumin seeds. When it stops spluttering add bottle gourd pieces. Add turmeric powder and salt to taste. Add slit green chilies and sugar . Cover the pan. Let it cook in low heat. If the gourd is fresh it will give out its own water & it will get cooked in it.When the gourd is tender & cooked, take it out and garnish with some coriander leaves.
This recipe is also good & healthy in summers as its not spicy. You can have it with rice.

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