Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thai spicy eggplant

500 gm Thai/small eggplants
2or 3 fresh green/red chilies
3 tbsp oil
2 cups vegetable stock
1 cup bamboo shoots cut into thin strips
salt to taste
1 tsp freshly ground pepper

Wash, dry & cut the eggplants into halves. wash chilies & cut lengthways. Lightly prick the eggplants so that they do not burst during cooking.
Heat the oil in a pan & add chilies. Then add the eggplants & fry on all sides for 3-4 min until they are brown.
Add the veg stock, salt , bamboo shoots & cook for another 3-4 min until done.
Season with freshly ground pepper & serve hot.

Goes well with rice. Try it out.


  1. I tried this was yummy!! will try it again on Thursday cos its going to be a good vegetarian dish

  2. oh great!! have u tried again??
